Atsinanana - Love Madagascar Tourism
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With an important economic and tourist vocation, the Atsinanana Region is located in the Toamasina province. It is located 365 m from the capital of Madagascar. Its length extends on 285 m and its width 75 m. It covers an area of 22,382 m2 and represents 3.78% of Madagascar’s area. It is bounded on the north by the Analanjirofo region, on the west by the Alaotra mangoro region, Vakinankaratra and Amoron’i Mania; to the south by the Vatovavy Fitovinany Region and to the east by the ocean Indian. It is composed of 7 districts namely Toamasina I, Toamasina II, Brickaville, Vatomandry, Antanambao Manampotsy, Mahanoro, Marolambo.

There is a variation in temperature in the different zones:

  • in the coastal zone, the temperature is higher, above 22 °C;
  • to the east and umbral cliff, the temperature is above 21 ° C;
  • the eastern part which is the coolest with a temperature above 16 to 21 ° C.

In 2008, the average temperature of the region is 24.39 ° C, with a minimum of 20.50 ° C and a maximum of 28.28 °C.

According to the information contained in its regional development plan, Atsinanana is the capital of Betsimisaraka. In addition to the populations of this ethnic group, the Bezanozano and Sihanaka form nearly half of the population of the region. The main migrants are :the Merina, the Antandroy, the Antesaka, the Betsileo, the Antanosy. Important communities Chinese, French, and Indian also claim their Malagasy identity in the region.

The economic opportunities in the region have attracted other ethnic groups such as the Merina, Atandroy, the Antesaka, the Betsileo and the Antanosy. Then come the descendants of the immigrants of foreign nationality. Fish account for a large share of marine products with 73.5% in 2010 followed by sharks 10.3%, shrimp 7.8%. Other species constitute less than 10% The port of Toamasina is in a very favorable situation. It ensures the 82% of maritime traffic. Indeed, the railway of Antananarivo makes this port the receptacle mandatory of all products evacuated from the highlands and other Faritany. Also do export products transit through Toamasina before moving up the highland regions? As a result, the port of Toamasina records a very important annual import and export movement important. The Atsinanana Region has impressive environmental resources formed by a exceptional biodiversity of its kind which is home to highly valuable flora and fauna species Endemic. The discovery of this biological diversity makes the region one of the most important areas. renowned for tourism. The Atsinanana Region is as well known by nationals as by foreigners and some localities are even very popular: Ambila-Lemaitso, Akanin’ny Nofy, Foulpointe, Mahambo, Manambato.

This region is also characterized by the importance in quality and quantity of its forests natural and the biological diversity of its plant formations but whose sustainability is threatened

See also other regions

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